Oakton College administrators, faculty, and staff are subject matter experts who can offer insightful commentary on current news topics or deliver engaging presentations at conferences and events.
You can search for an expert or speaker by name or area of expertise listed below. For assistance finding the right expert, or to arrange news media interviews or speaking engagements, please contact Oakton College Communications Team ([email protected]).
Ragaa Abdallah, B.S.
Ragaa Abdallah is the chair and professor of Computer Information Systems.
Abdallah has an extensive background in computer science and has worked in various roles before transitioning to higher education, including networking, web development, databases, AI, and software development and engineering. She was instrumental in creating the AI certificate program at Oakton.
Abdallah earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Software Engineering from the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She also holds a Data Science certificate in visualization and R, a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, from HarvardX. Additionally, she has an Introduction to Machine Learning Part I and Part II certificates from Stanford University, and Machine Learning Intensive Part I and II certificates from The Coding School. She is bilingual in English and Arabic.
Expertise: computer science, women in Tech, DEI in Tech, AI
Valeria Benson-Lira, M.A.
Valeria Benson-Lira is a co-coordinator of Peace and Social Justice Studies and an associate professor of Earth Science and Geography.
Benson-Lira has published articles in the “Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres” and “Environmental Research Letters” on the impact of urban expansion and urban sustainability solutions. Her research also includes racism and feminism in Latin America.
Benson-Lira earned a master’s in Geography from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Mexico. Currently, she is pursuing an International Studies certificate from DePaul University. She is bilingual in English and Spanish.
Expertise: climate change, earth science, feminism in Latin America, geography, immigration from Latin America, racism in Latin America, sustainable development, urbanization
John Carzoli, Ph.D.
John Carzoli is a distinguished professor of Physics.
With over 25 years of experience teaching Physics and Astronomy, Carzoli’s expertise spans atomic and molecular physics, nanotechnology and optics. He has been interviewed by multiple publications to provide insight into the 2024 total solar eclipses.
Carzoli earned a doctorate and a master’s in Physics from the University of Oklahoma and bachelor's degrees in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry from Beloit College, Wisc.
Expertise: physics, astronomy
Lisa Cherivtch, M.B.A.
Lisa Cherivtch is a professor of Business.
Cherivtch is a seasoned business and marketing professional who has worked with various organizations to drive strategic growth through integrated marketing, branding and digital campaigns. She has a proven track record of leading high-impact teams and fostering community engagement.
Cherivtch earned an M.B.A. from DePaul Driehouse College of Business and a bachelor’s in Marketing from Northern Illinois University.
Expertise: branding, corporate social responsibility (CSR), global business and marketing
Paul Gulezian, Ph.D.
Paul Gulezian is a distinguished professor of Biology.
Gulezian is the author of “A Field Guide to the Biodiversity of the Chicago Region," which includes information on the ecological and natural history of 670 species of organisms in the Chicago region, including plants, animals and fungi. In his previous roles, he has managed the University of Illinois at Chicago’s James Woodworth Prairie in Glenview, Ill., supervising burns, managing invasive plants, and promoting native plants in seed gardens. He has also coordinated and led restoration efforts of prairies, savannas, and woodlands in central Cook County while working at the National Audubon Society.
Gulezian earned a doctorate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a bachelor’s in Biology from Dartmouth College.
Expertise: biodiversity, biology, ecology, environmental science, evolutionary biology, natural history
Nizar Handzic, Ph.D., MD
Nizar Handzic is a distinguished professor of Biology.
Handzic has an extensive background in scientific research, focusing on topics such as artificial fertilization in fish, apoptosis in lymphoma cells and sensory physiology. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and he has presented his findings at numerous scientific conferences. Additionally, he is an active member of the American Physiological Society, and the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society.
At Oakton, Handzic serves as the service-learning coordinator, fostering community partnerships and connecting students with meaningful volunteer opportunities. Additionally, as a faculty advisor for Students for Global Health and Sustainability, he advocates for health and wellness both on campus and in the broader community.
Handzic earned doctorates in Physiology and Medicine at Michigan State University and a bachelor’s in Human Biology at Northeastern Illinois University. He is bilingual in English and Bosnian.
Expertise: biochemistry, genetics, human anatomy, pathophysiology, pharmacology, physiology
Lindsey Hewitt, M.S.
Lindsey Hewitt is the coordinator of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and a distinguished professor of Anthropology and Humanities.
Hewitt’s research focuses on the cross-cultural study of gender and sexuality, including the overlap between indigenous systems and gender identity. She has participated in Fulbright-Hays programs in the Andes (Peru and Bolivia) and Ghana and Togo. In addition, she is a member of the National Women's Studies Association and the American Anthropology Association.
Hewitt earned a master’s in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Winscounsin-Milwaukee and a bachelor’s in German from Truman State University. She also holds a graduate certificate in Women and Gender Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is fluent in German.
Expertise: Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, LGBTQIA2+ rights; intersectional feminism; gender linguistics
James Humenik, M.P.A.
James Humenik is the chair and associate professor of Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice.
Over his 28-year career in law enforcement, which concluded as a police sergeant in Frankfort, Ill., Humenik gained expertise in officer training, leadership, evidence management, and community relations. His knowledge in these areas has shaped his approach to law enforcement — serving the community ethically and effectively.
Humenik earned a master's in Public Administration from Governors State University and a bachelor's in Sociology/Criminal Justice from Eastern Illinois University. He also holds several certifications, including Illinois State Evidence Technician, Field Training Officer, Police Chief from the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, Police Staff and Command from Northwestern University, and Part 107 Commercial Drone Pilot from the Federal Aviation Administration.
Expertise: community policing, criminal justice, drone technology, field training, forensics, law enforcement
Khursheed Ichhaporia, Ed.D., M.B.A.
Khursheed Ichhaporia is an associate professor of Biology.
Ichhaporia serves on multiple college committees, including the U.S. Diversity Task Force, Global Studies Advisory and the Academic Computing committees. In addition, she has served on conference proposal review committees for the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) and American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) conferences.
A frequent presenter, Ichhaporia shares expertise on grit and growth mindset, global education integration, and faculty leadership. Recently, she was selected by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) to study climate change and public health in Mongolia.
Ichhaporia earned a doctorate in Community College Leadership at Ferris State University, an M.B.A. from the University of Rochester Simon School of Business, a master’s in Biology from the University of Southern Mississippi, and a bachelor’s in Microbiology from the University of Mumbai.
Expertise: anatomy, biology, climate change, genetics, Mongolia, physiology, public health
Cheryl Joseph, M.S.
Cheryl Joseph is a professor of Early Childhood Education.
Joseph has been training early childhood teachers for over 20 years. Previously, she worked as an early childhood teacher and administrator, where she developed and implemented curricula, supervised staff, and served as both an instructor and the director of a preschool program.
Joseph earned a master’s in Applied Family & Child Studies and a bachelor’s in Criminology from Northern Illinois University. She is an Illinois Gateways Registry Trainer and an Illinois Trainers Network (ITN) Curricula Trainer.
Expertise: curriculum development, early childhood education, developmental milestones, holistic child development
Andrea Lehmacher, Ed.D., SEM-EP
Andrea Lehmacher is the director of Marketing.
With over 25 years of experience in higher education, Lehmacher has experience in institutional brand strategy, digital and traditional marketing efforts, and enrollment initiatives. She has served on advisory committees for professional organizations, including the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). She is currently serving on the executive council of the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) District 3.
Lehmacher earned a doctorate in Higher Education and Organizational Change from Benedictine University, and a master’s in Communications and Training as well as a bachelor’s in Media Communications from Governors State University. In addition, she holds a Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Endorsement Program (SEM-EP) certificate from AACRAO.
Expertise: higher education marketing, enrollment management, strategic branding, project leadership, digital communications, change management, inclusive storytelling
Paula Luszcz, M.A., M.P.H.
Paula Luszcz is the chair and professor of Early Childhood Education.
Luszcz has been training early childhood educators for over two decades, with a deep passion for early childhood special education. As a mother of two children with special needs, including one who is neurodivergent, she brings firsthand insight into the challenges families face. Her advocacy work for children with special needs began as a local Head Start health & disability coordinator and a development therapist in Birth-to-Three programs.
Luszcz earned a master’s in Early Childhood, Special Education & Learning Disabilities from Northeastern Illinois University, a master’s in Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a bachelor’s in Political Science and Russian and Eastern European Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Expertise: bilingual early childhood education, child development and growth, early childhood education, early childhood special education
Louis Martinez, M.A.
Louis Martinez is an associate professor of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice and a drone pilot instructor.
Martinez specializes in areas like mental health and crisis intervention in policing. He is the author of “The Violent Brain: A Study in Neurocriminology.” He has written for the Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations” about policing and mental illness and critical incident response in academic institutions.
Martinez earned a master’s in Criminal Justice from Loyola University and in Psychology from Adler University. He holds FAA Remote Pilot Certification from the Federal Aviation Administration.
Expertise: criminal justice, crisis intervention, juvenile justice, law enforcement, mental health, prison reform
Camesha Richardson, B.S., HRM, SPHR
Camesha Richardson is the director of Human Resources.
Richardson is an accomplished human resources leader known for her expertise in organizational change and people management. She has over 20 years of experience in different HR roles at various corporations, including Fortune 500 companies and higher education institutions. She is passionate about promoting equity and justice within institutions and aligning business objectives with HR strategies to drive high performance and sustainable growth.
Richardson earned a bachelor’s in Human Resources Management and Business Administration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. In addition, she has a Senior Professional in HR certificate (SPHR-CP) from the Human Resources Standards Institute.
Expertise: DEI, HR policies and procedures, talent acquisition, talent management
Ribhi Salhi, Ph.D.
Ribhi Salhi is a lecturer of Political Science.
Salhi has written and presented on Middle East politics, conflicts, and government, as well as the post-Soviet nations and China. He is a board member of the Illinois Political Science Association (IPSA), an academic member of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA, and an Illinois Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). His forthcoming book, "A Common Paradigm to Understand Foreign Government," will be published in January 2025. He is a three-time recipient of the Illinois Community College Trustee Association (ICCTA) Teaching Excellence Award.
Salhi earned a doctorate in Public Policy and Administration from Walden University, a master’s in Political Science from Roosevelt University, and a master’s in International Relations from Northern Illinois University. He has a bachelor’s in Political Science in Government from the University of Jordan. He is nationally certified as a human rights instructor by the U.S. Institute of Peace and Diplomacy.
Expertise: global security, international relations, international terrorism and state repression, Middle East conflicts, western and non-western comparative government
Adrienne C. Smith, Ed.D.
Adrienne C. Smith is the manager of the Career and Transfer Center and an adjunct professor of Business and Career Technologies.
Smith has an extensive background in workforce development, community college leadership, and program management. Before joining Oakton, she directed state-certified vocational training programs, developed data-driven strategies to improve student outcomes, and managed workforce initiatives with regional economic priorities.
Smith earned a doctorate in Adult and Continuing Education from National Louis University and a master’s in Training and Development from Roosevelt University, where she also received a graduate certificate in Instructional Design. In addition, she has a bachelor’s in Communication from DePaul University. She is a certified practitioner by The Myers-Briggs Company in Strong Interest Inventory.
Expertise: adult education, career development and planning, strategic leadership and program management, workforce development