Oakton College’s Diversity Council supports the Office of Access, Equity, and Diversity and campus community in its efforts to make the college a more inclusive, diverse, and anti-bias institution. The Council actively engages the college community in its work and supports Oakton’s overall mission.
Diversity Principles
- Oakton values diversity, inclusion and equity because they promote academic excellence, enrich the campus environment, and prepare community members to participate in a democratic and increasingly complex, pluralistic society.
- Oakton recognizes that institutional behaviors, structures, policies, procedures, practices and services impact the College’s diversity, inclusion and equity goals.
- Oakton establishes and supports institutional behaviors, structures, policies, procedures, practices and services that create and sustain an environment that values diversity, inclusion and equity.
- Oakton values and advances behaviors, structures, policies, procedures, practices and services that support acceptance, inclusion, and respect for all community members.
- Oakton engages in continuous institutional assessment to identify and work toward the removal of systemic barriers that prevent creating and sustaining an environment that values diversity, inclusion, and equity.
- Raise awareness about the importance of creating an inclusive collegiate environment;
- Review of policies, regulations, and practices to ensure that they are free from bias and systemic discriminatory practices, and recommend remediation if needed;
- Collect and disseminate “best practices” in this area to help all of the college’s departments and divisions in their own efforts to create an anti-bias environment;
- Provide knowledge and education on access, equity, and diversity to all faculty and staff;
- Offer innovative programming and exhibitions that showcase the Council’s mission;
- Encourage all areas of the college to clearly define how their work supports the goals of the Office of Access, Equity, and Diversity.
Annual Projects
Each year the Diversity Council, at minimum, will do the following:
- Budget Allocation: approve funds to support various campus activities that advance the access, equity, and diversity mission of the college.
- Campus Climate Assessment: take such measures to assess the climate of the campus including but not limited to campus climate surveys and focus groups.
- End of Year report: prepare an annual summary of activities, initiatives, services, and actions taken by the Diversity Council for presentation to the President’s Council and Board of Trustees.
- Recognition: provide for the regular and systematic recognition and appreciation of students and employees that advance the access, equity, and diversity mission of the college.
- Action Plan: develop an action plan for the coming academic year that details what the council seeks to achieve by the last meeting of the spring semester.
Council Members
Ahmed Alsanousi
Linda Berendsen
Linnea Boyev
Brenda Cruz
John Curtis
Shedrick Daniels
Joseph Hanafee
Krissie Harris
Kelsey Kapolnek
Rutba Khan
Leah Kintner
Angela Leigh Caldwell
Rondell Merrill
Mark Palmeri
Robert Peterson
Jennifer Reeb
Brooke Roche
Sylvia Rosillo
Tiye Sherrod
Marian Staats
Jack Taha
Ex-officio Council Members
Ashley Knight, Vice President, Student Affairs (non-voting)
Teresa O’Sullivan, Access and Disability Resource Center
[email protected]