Want to get in shape or reduce stress while burning calories? You're in the right spot at Oakton's Fitness Center.
Our modern Fitness Center has all you need for your workouts. Situated at the Des Plaines campus, the Center provides the newest equipment, with over 20 strength and aerobic machines, including newly added squat racks, free weights, and a water rower. You'll also find a warm-up area, TVs, and music, along with locker rooms. Our knowledgeable and certified staff will be there to help you reach your fitness goals.
The Fitness Center offers a number of Physical Education credit courses, so you can improve your fitness while you work towards completing your degree. Membership options are also provided at a reduced cost. Find more information below.
Please contact us if you have questions at [email protected] or 847.635.1839. We’d love to tell you more about what the Fitness Center has to offer. You may download the Oakton Fitness Center brochure (PDF) (237 KB) here.
Membership to the Fitness Center is available to Oakton students and the community. Sign up at the Alliance for Lifelong Learning Office in Room 1420 on the Des Plaines campus.
Membership Requirements
- Members must be at least 16 years old.
- All members must attend a one-time, hour-long orientation. (Orientations are given on the hour.)
- Your Owl ID card is required to use the Fitness Center. (ID cards will be issued to community members following orientation.)
- Appropriate gym clothing and footwear are required.
Fitness Center Credit Courses
The Fitness Center offers several one-credit-hour courses that count toward graduation and your grade point average. You can take the courses in any order and complete your workouts at any time during operating hours. Register at the Enrollment Center or online at my.oakton.edu.
- PED 131 Physical Fitness
- PED 132 Weight Training
- PED 141 Physical Fitness II (Prerequisite PED 131)
- PED 190 Fitness Center
Course Requirements
- 75 percent of the grade of your Fitness Center class is based on participation. 100 minutes of participation per week are required during a 16-week class. 200 minutes of participation per week are required for an eight-week class.
- 25 percent of your grade is based on improvement and goal attainment. A required pre-test and post-test consisting of five standardized fitness tests are administered at the beginning of the course and at its end to determine this portion of the grade.
- Fitness Center students must complete a fitness pre-test at one of the scheduled orientation sessions scheduled during the first week of class. Returning students must also pre-test during a scheduled orientation session. If you fail to meet these requirements, you'll be dropped from the course.
- Orientation schedules are available in the Fitness Center.