In accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Oakton College provides access to public records.
Nikoleta Maleeva-Ivancheva, Human Resources Project Manager, is the College's FOIA officer.
FOIA requests must be submitted in writing. You may use the FOIA request form (PDF) (113 KB), or if you choose not to use the form, please include all the fields on the form including detailed contact information. Requests can be mailed to:
Oakton College
FOIA Request
Nikoleta Maleeva-Ivancheva, Human Resources Project Manager
1600 East Golf Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Fax requests also are accepted.
Direct fax requests to:
FOIA Request
Nikoleta Maleeva-Ivancheva, Human Resources Project Manager
The College also accepts FOIA requests via e-mail. Direct e-mail requests to [email protected].
Many frequently requested public records are available on Oakton's Web site, including the following:
Notice of Board meetings
Board meeting agendas
Board meeting minutes
Employment Contracts
Full-Time Faculty (PDF) (1 MB)
Part-Time Faculty (PDF) (1.1 MB)
Staff (PDF) (957 KB)
Public Safety (PDF) (1.4 MB)
Public Act 096-0266 establishes a legislative requirement to report annual administrator and faculty salary information to the public. The Illinois Community College System Annual Administrator/Faculty Salary and Benefits Portal is provided to fulfill this charge.
Institutional Publications contains the Annual Budget, Strategic Plan, President's Report to the Community, and other documents of interest.