Student Debt Assistance Act
Pursuant to the Student Debt Assistance Act (110 ILCS 66/), Oakton College has adopted the following procedures.
Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are available to current students through their myOakton account. Inactive students who have been away from Oakton for three or more years and who are seeking an unofficial transcript may contact the Registrar Services office to request an unofficial transcript request form.
Official Transcripts
Official transcripts are released to students without regard to their owing a debt to the college. Official transcripts can be ordered through an online transcript ordering system including payment of the associated transcript fee. Students who have non-financial hold(s) on their records need to resolve the hold(s) with the office that placed the hold before an official transcript can be released.
Oakton College releases diplomas/certificates to students without regard to their owing a debt to the college.
Oakton College restricts the ability for a student to register for classes when they accrue a balance of $500 or more at the end of a semester. A registration hold is placed on the student’s account at that time. Unresolved financial accounts of at least $100 will be turned over to a collection agency and to the State Comptroller’s Local Debt Recovery program approximately three months after the end of a semester.
Questions or concerns about the student debt and transcript procedure can be directed to Oakton College’s Registrar and Director of Registrar Services by contacting [email protected]. Additionally, students can file a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General’s student loan ombudsperson.
Hardship Withdrawal
Students who withdraw from the college due to unforeseen circumstances, may apply for an administrative withdrawal. The administrative withdrawal appeal process is the means for Oakton students to be considered for a hardship withdrawal.
Hardships may include, but are not limited to, serious injury or illness; chronic illness; a medical issue of a family member that results in the student becoming a part-time or full-time caretaker of that family member; a mental health condition; a sudden or consistent lack of transportation; or a significant cost of living increase.
Students approved for a hardship withdrawal are encouraged to re-enroll when their situation changes. The institution assists such students by providing comprehensive student services.